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Istanbul27 °CBroken clouds.Per 15:27:39
New York23 °CPartly sunny.Per 08:27:39
London18 °CSunny.Per 13:27:39
Tokyo29 °CWarm.Per 21:27:39

Local Time and Weather Around the World

AccraPer 12:27Broken clouds. Warm.27 °CDublin *Per 13:27Partly sunny. Cool.16 °CNairobiPer 15:27Partly sunny. Warm.25 °C
Addis AbabaPer 15:27Scattered clouds. Mild.21 °CEdmonton *Per 06:27Cloudy. Cool.11 °CNassau *Per 08:27Broken clouds. Warm.28 °C
AdelaidePer 21:57Quite cool.11 °CFrankfurt *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CNew DelhiPer 17:57Light rain. Overcast. Warm.30 °C
AlgiersPer 13:27Sunny. Mild.25 °CGuatemala CityPer 06:27Sunny. Cool.16 °CNew Orleans *Per 07:27Clear. Warm.29 °C
AlmatyPer 17:27Scattered clouds. Hot.33 °CHalifax *Per 09:27Overcast. Mild.18 °CNew York *Per 08:27Partly sunny. Mild.23 °C
AmmanPer 15:27Haze. Extremely hot.36 °CHanoiPer 19:27Passing clouds. Warm.31 °COslo *Per 14:27Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Amsterdam *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Mild.17 °CHararePer 14:27Sunny. Mild.23 °COttawa *Per 08:27Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
AnadyrCum 00:27Sprinkles. Overcast. Cool.8 °CHavana *Per 08:27Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CParis *Per 14:27Scattered clouds. Mild.21 °C
Anchorage *Per 04:27Overcast. Cool.13 °CHelsinki *Per 15:27Scattered clouds. Mild.19 °CPerthPer 20:27Clear. Cool.10 °C
AnkaraPer 15:27Scattered clouds. Hot.33 °CHong KongPer 20:27Passing clouds. Warm.30 °CPhiladelphia *Per 08:27Broken clouds. Mild.22 °C
AntananarivoPer 15:27Partly sunny. Mild.21 °CHonoluluPer 02:27Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CPhoenixPer 05:27Clear. Extremely hot.34 °C
AsuncionPer 08:27Partly sunny. Mild.20 °CHouston *Per 07:27Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CPrague *Per 14:27Scattered clouds. Mild.18 °C
Athens *Per 15:27Partly sunny. Warm.28 °CIndianapolis *Per 08:27Overcast. Mild.24 °CReykjavikPer 12:27Broken clouds. Cool.12 °C
Atlanta *Per 08:27Scattered clouds. Mild.24 °CIslamabadPer 17:27Partly sunny. Warm.31 °CRio de JaneiroPer 09:27Sunny. Mild.22 °C
AucklandCum 00:27Clear. Quite cool.6 °CIstanbulPer 15:27Broken clouds. Warm.27 °CRiyadhPer 15:27Sunny. Extremely hot.42 °C
BaghdadPer 15:27Sunny. Extremely hot.42 °CJakartaPer 19:27Light rain. Overcast. Warm.27 °CRome *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Pleasantly warm.30 °C
BangkokPer 19:27Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CJerusalem *Per 15:27Pleasantly warm.34 °CSalt Lake City *Per 06:27Clear. Refreshingly cool.16 °C
Barcelona *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CJohannesburgPer 14:27Sunny. Cool.12 °CSan Francisco *Per 05:27Clear. Cool.16 °C
BeijingPer 20:27Warm.30 °CKarachiPer 17:27Partly sunny. Extremely hot.34 °CSan JuanPer 08:27Cloudy. Warm.29 °C
Beirut *Per 15:27Clear. Warm.31 °CKathmanduPer 18:12Broken clouds. Warm.27 °CSan SalvadorPer 06:27Passing clouds. Mild.23 °C
Belgrade *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CKingstonPer 07:27Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CSantiagoPer 08:27Clear. Chilly.4 °C
BengaluruPer 17:57Broken clouds. Warm.28 °CKinshasaPer 13:27Partly sunny. Warm.27 °CSanto DomingoPer 08:27Overcast. Warm.26 °C
Berlin *Per 14:27Mostly cloudy. Mild.18 °CKiritimatiCum 02:27Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CSão PauloPer 09:27Sunny. Mild.18 °C
BogotaPer 07:27Scattered clouds. Cool.12 °CKolkataPer 17:57Broken clouds. Warm.30 °CSeattle *Per 05:27Clear. Cool.16 °C
Boston *Per 08:27Partly sunny. Mild.21 °CKuala LumpurPer 20:27Passing clouds. Warm.30 °CSeoulPer 21:27Mostly cloudy. Warm.28 °C
BrasiliaPer 09:27Sunny. Mild.17 °CKuwait CityPer 15:27Sunny. Extremely hot.44 °CShanghaiPer 20:27Clear. Extremely hot.34 °C
BrisbanePer 22:27Cool.14 °CKyiv *Per 15:27Overcast. Warm.27 °CSingaporePer 20:27Passing clouds. Warm.30 °C
Brussels *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Mild.18 °CLa PazPer 08:27Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CSofia *Per 15:27Partly sunny. Mild.23 °C
Bucharest *Per 15:27Sunny. Warm.26 °CLagosPer 13:27Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °CSt. John's *Per 09:57Broken clouds. Cool.16 °C
Budapest *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Pleasantly warm.25 °CLahorePer 17:27Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °CStockholm *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Mild.18 °C
Buenos AiresPer 09:27Sunny. Cool.8 °CLas Vegas *Per 05:27Clear. Extremely hot.35 °CSuvaCum 00:27Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
Cairo *Per 15:27Clear. Extremely hot.38 °CLimaPer 07:27Fog. Cool.15 °CSydneyPer 22:27Partly cloudy. Cool.14 °C
Calgary *Per 06:27Broken clouds. Cool.13 °CLisbon *Per 13:27Passing clouds. Warm.30 °CTaipeiPer 20:27Passing clouds. Warm.30 °C
CanberraPer 22:27Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CLondon *Per 13:27Sunny. Mild.18 °CTallinn *Per 15:27Partly sunny. Mild.20 °C
Cape TownPer 14:27Partly sunny. Cool.16 °CLos Angeles *Per 05:27Clear. Mild.18 °CTashkentPer 17:27Passing clouds. Extremely hot.36 °C
CaracasPer 08:27Clear. Warm.27 °CMadrid *Per 14:27Sunny. Extremely hot.34 °CTegucigalpaPer 06:27Passing clouds. Mild.18 °C
Casablanca *Per 13:27Clear. Warm.25 °CManaguaPer 06:27Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CTehranPer 15:57Clear. Extremely hot.38 °C
Chicago *Per 07:27Partly sunny. Mild.23 °CManilaPer 20:27Sprinkles. Overcast. Warm.30 °CTokyoPer 21:27Warm.29 °C
Copenhagen *Per 14:27Light rain. Scattered clouds. Cool.13 °CMelbournePer 22:27Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CToronto *Per 08:27Partly sunny. Mild.23 °C
Dallas *Per 07:27Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CMexico CityPer 06:27Passing clouds. Cool.14 °CVancouver *Per 05:27Clear. Cool.13 °C
Dar es SalaamPer 15:27Scattered clouds. Warm.31 °CMiami *Per 08:27Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CVienna *Per 14:27Scattered clouds. Mild.22 °C
DarwinPer 21:57Clear. Mild.24 °CMinneapolis *Per 07:27Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CWarsaw *Per 14:27Sunny. Mild.22 °C
Denver *Per 06:27Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CMinskPer 15:27Partly sunny. Mild.19 °CWashington DC *Per 08:27Partly sunny. Mild.24 °C
Detroit *Per 08:27Sunny. Mild.22 °CMontevideoPer 09:27Partly sunny. Chilly.3 °CWinnipeg *Per 07:27Mild.17 °C
DhakaPer 18:27Overcast. Warm.28 °CMontréal *Per 08:27Broken clouds. Mild.22 °CYangonPer 18:57Partly sunny. Warm.28 °C
DohaPer 15:27Passing clouds. Extremely hot.43 °CMoscowPer 15:27Sunny. Warm.30 °CZagreb *Per 14:27Passing clouds. Mild.23 °C
DubaiPer 16:27Passing clouds. Extremely hot.37 °CMumbaiPer 17:57Partly sunny. Hot.32 °CZürich *Per 14:27Mild.20 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (62 places).

Per = 4 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe (137 places).
Cum = 5 Temmuz 2024 Cuma (4 places).

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